The Huntington National Bank Complaint: Problems when you are unable to pay

#1456075 8 Jul 2015

Consumer Loan Vehicle loan

Complaint #1456075 submitted on 07/08/2015 relating to The Huntington National Bank. Complaint relates to Consumer Loan Vehicle loan - Problems when you are unable to pay .

Complaint was submitted via Referral and sent to the company on Thursday 9th July 2015.

Company The Huntington National Bank
Complaint ID 1456075
Date Received 07/08/2015
Product Consumer Loan Vehicle loan
Issue Problems when you are unable to pay
State/ZIP Code OH 43130
Consumer Consent N/A
Company Public Response
Company Response To Customer Closed with explanation
Submitted Referral 07/09/2015
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: Yes

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