Servis One, Inc. Complaint: Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed

#1444299 29 Jun 2015

Debt collection Mortgage

Complaint #1444299 submitted on 06/29/2015 relating to Servis One, Inc.. Complaint relates to Debt collection Mortgage - Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed Debt is not mine.

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Monday 29th June 2015.

Narrative (may be redacted).

BSI Financial Services began calling my cell phone back on XX/XX/XXXX and has continued to call repeatedly over the last XXXX months to collect a debt from someone that I do not know. This cell phone number was issued to me as a new number through XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX so I offered to provide the company with proof of my identity and proof that the cell number was new.

I repeatedly offered to FAX or mail proof of account/identity information to BSI, but they refused and told me each time I called that they would remove my cell number. However, the collection calls continued month after month. Each time, I would call back BSI at the extension given, the main customer service number option XXXX or use the BSI contact form to demand that they stop contacting me about a debt that was not mine. I also kept offering documentation which they refused over and over. I have proof that I contacted BSI after each and every call. I have proof that BSI have continued to call. I have proof that this number was a issued as a new service and does not belong to the debtor. I have left many voice mail messages for the agent " XXXX at extension XXXX '' with no response. I have left XXXX messages on voice mail for " XXXX 's '' supervisor BSI VP of Operations XXXX XXXX with no return call ever made to resolve this.

I informed BSI in my voice mails to them that they were not to leave any more of this debtors personal information on my voice mail. The last called received from BSI was XX/XX/XXXX. At that time, I called BSI to inform them that I would be suing for harrassment in my local court system if I did not get a return call and was requesting mediation before pursuing them in court. I waited for several days with no response or return phone call. I filed a {$2000.00} harassment suit in small claims court XX/XX/XXXX that was sent to their Registered Agent in my state.

I will happily pursue BSI civilly for damages, but I also want BSI to face steep fines for their non compliance with the FDCPA. BSI disclosed personal financial information to someone who is not a party to the debt in voice mails, failed to comply with the Federal do not call list and placing multiple harassing phone calls to a party who is not the debtor after being informed that the number was not a valid contact number. Please let me know how to pursue my rights and how you would like proof for this complaint to be provided to your agency.

Company Servis One, Inc.
Complaint ID 1444299
Date Received 06/29/2015
Product Debt collection Mortgage
Issue Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed Debt is not mine
State/ZIP Code OR 974XX
Consumer Consent Consent provided
Company Public Response Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error
Company Response To Customer Closed with explanation
Submitted Web 06/29/2015
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: Yes

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