Bank of America Complaint: Billing statement

#1427832 18 Jun 2015

Credit card

Complaint #1427832 submitted on 06/18/2015 relating to Bank of America. Complaint relates to Credit card - Billing statement .

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Thursday 18th June 2015.

Narrative (may be redacted).

An unpaid due amount appeared on my statement ending XXXX XXXX. To me this is impossible since I do online banking and have authorized my bank to pay upon receipt of the e-bill. The credit card services section and bill pay/online banking are with the same major banking corporation. After several phone calls and going up the chain my dispute has not been solved. I had asked card services to remove the unpaid amount from the statement. They continually tell me that my XXXX payment has not been received and that they can not remove the amount. What I thought was a refund of the past due amount actually was treated as a cash advance. I have had XXXX managers in card services tell me that this was a banking error. According to card services the bill pay section made my payment early, XXXX XXXX, which happened to be the ending date of my statement. Therefore, it was credited to the previous month. I contacted bill pay/online banking and asked about when the e-bill was received and paid. According to bill pay the e-bill was created on XXXX XXXX, 2015, received by bill pay on XXXX XXXX, and paid on XXXX XXXX.
Card services resolution is to reduce some of the interest charges, removal of late charge fees, and pay the overdue charge on a date in XXXX that I can not remember that was told to me. They also suggested that I pay the current minimum due and continue to carry the overdue amount. Neither of these solutions are acceptable to me especially the last XXXX. Carrying an overdue payment for months will ruin my credit rating which, in turn, I will have debt collectors. The bank that I deal with has received government bailout money and I consider my situation to be fraudulent also. Any help that you can give me would be greatly appreciated..

Older American

Company Bank of America
Complaint ID 1427832
Date Received 06/18/2015
Product Credit card
Issue Billing statement
State/ZIP Code PA 172XX
Consumer Consent Consent provided
Company Public Response Company chooses not to provide a public response
Company Response To Customer Closed with explanation
Submitted Web 06/18/2015
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: No

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