Alabama Housing Finance Authority Complaint: Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

#1377540 15 May 2015

Mortgage FHA mortgage

Complaint #1377540 submitted on 05/15/2015 relating to Alabama Housing Finance Authority. Complaint relates to Mortgage FHA mortgage - Loan servicing, payments, escrow account .

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Monday 18th May 2015.

Narrative (may be redacted).

This is to inform and note that I received a very unpleasant phone call from Servisolutions representative XXXX XXXX XXXX on XXXX XXXX, 2015. XXXX contacted me in a very threatening aggressive and demanding tone requesting what he stated were missed mortgage payments while chewing in my ear. I informed him that I had sent XXXX XXXX 2015 payments together. He asked several times why are my payments late? I explained that I had already contacted Servisolutions regarding my mortgage transfer and why was it transferred. I explained that I was advised to wait until I received confirmation from SS stating they are officially my new mortgage carrier, and then submit payment to avoid sending multiple payments to different agencies. XXXX made no gesture to offer any concerns as to ask me was everything OK with me or do you have our correct information to send your payments to. He informed me that my credit report was being affected right now. I replied, I thought I had a grace period while account was in transition. He continued to make his statements and not have concern about my statements. He also stated that our job is to handle these new accounts and get these payments on time.

I asked for his supervisor and he stated asking me why I wanted to speak with his supervisor. I informed him that I wanted to speak with someone more positive because I was receiving a negative tone with him while he was even chewing gum or eating something because he was chewing in my ear. XXXX XXXX came on the phone stating so XXXX XXXX you sent XXXX payments in, and when did you send them in the mail? I asked her could she please identify herself because I asked to speak to a supervisor. Only at that time did she identify who she was. I explained to her the situation I experienced with XXXX, which I found his name out later. XXXX made no mention of apologizing for the experience I had until I spoke to her about an apology. I addressed her by stating I see why customer services representative XXXX XXXX XXXX act the way he did towards me because that is the way the supervisors act. XXXX transferred me to XXXX 's phone voice mail, I got no return call until I called back to mention to another customer service representative ( XXXX ) who was very polite. She shared that she was new to the company and I stated that 's why you are so polite. I shared my concern with her and then XXXX called me back. He had the same attitude as the other representatives. He started exclaiming to me how many letters servisolutions had sent out to my address. I really would like to know - could you sell the loan to another agency or could I just apply to another agency to assume the account. These experiences I experienced today were very very disturbing to me knowing I have to work with this company for 30 years. What if I really needed their support and I was in the hospital or something? They would not be helpful.

I checked the reviews on Servisolutions ; they are not pleasant towards customers. Please inform me on how to have my account changed to another service provider. Even to this day, I have not had any contact from the provider stating any apologies for the encounter.

Company Alabama Housing Finance Authority
Complaint ID 1377540
Date Received 05/15/2015
Product Mortgage FHA mortgage
Issue Loan servicing, payments, escrow account
State/ZIP Code NC 277XX
Consumer Consent Consent provided
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Company Response To Customer Closed with explanation
Submitted Web 05/18/2015
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: Yes

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