Access Group Complaint: Can't repay my loan

#1762465 28 Jan 2016

Student loan Non-federal student loan

Complaint #1762465 submitted on 01/28/2016 relating to Access Group. Complaint relates to Student loan Non-federal student loan - Can't repay my loan Can't decrease my monthly payments.

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Thursday 28th January 2016.

Narrative (may be redacted).

Perhaps this is a common problem. I have had private law school loans since 1998. These loans are currently split between XXXX service providers - XXXX ( formerly XXXX XXXX ) and Access Group ( ACS ). Since my loans went into repayment, I never missed a payment, and paid my full amount owed every month. However, in the last couple of years, I 've had some challenges. I had to take time off from full-time employment due to some health issues, and we needed to relocate for my husband 's job across the country. I had a baby. I needed to stay home for a while. With both loan providers, I was able to suspend the federal loans, but the private ones have been more problematic. I am told I have no other options with those at this point. The monthly for ACS is {$270.00} and the monthly for XXXX is {$230.00}. The financial stress on our family is significant because of this, as I am not bringing in an income and not receiving any type of unemployment assistance. The lenders claim I have no options. I asked if it might be possible for me to pay a lower amount each month until I obtain employment. The answer was no, that this would still be considered default, even if I paid XXXX-XXXX percent of the amount owed each month. Essentially paying a substantial portion counts for nothing. I feel that this makes no sense and is borderline predatory. It seems as if trying to work out an arrangement with them is impossible. I understand why people give up and do n't pay at all. However, I have excellent credit and it 's important to me to retain this. It 's going to wipe out our savings over the next few months. I think the unwillingness to work with clients during financial difficulties is a real problem. This is not credit card debt. Most of us with these loans are responsible consumers. The failure to work with an individual who is willing to pay the maximum possible in his/her current financial situation, is something that I felt was worth documenting. Thank you for your efforts to monitor business practices by the student loan industry.


Company Access Group
Complaint ID 1762465
Date Received 01/28/2016
Product Student loan Non-federal student loan
Issue Can't repay my loan Can't decrease my monthly payments
State/ZIP Code CA 956XX
Consumer Consent Consent provided
Company Public Response Company chooses not to provide a public response
Company Response To Customer Closed with explanation
Submitted Web 01/28/2016
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: No

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