TCF National Bank Complaint: Problems caused by my funds being low

#1739361 12 Jan 2016

Bank account or service Checking account

Complaint #1739361 submitted on 01/12/2016 relating to TCF National Bank. Complaint relates to Bank account or service Checking account - Problems caused by my funds being low .

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Friday 15th January 2016.

Narrative (may be redacted).

On Monday ( XXXX ) my opening balance with TCF was over {$300.00} and XXXX transactions from the weekend were already posted to my account. I had XXXX transactions that day, totaling {$390.00} and no other transactions. When I checked my account on XXXX, TCF charged me {$140.00} in overdraft fees for the XXXX transactions that had already posted to my account. When I asked why I got charged overdraft fees for those instead of the pending transactions, the TCF rep said it took money from my account to cover the pending transactions. When I checked my account today ( XXXX ), I found I now have been charged overdraft fees for those XXXX pending transactions as well, bringing my total overdraft fees to {$220.00}. Since none of the XXXX transactions were more than {$200.00}, I do not understand their logic.

Company TCF National Bank
Complaint ID 1739361
Date Received 01/12/2016
Product Bank account or service Checking account
Issue Problems caused by my funds being low
State/ZIP Code CO 802XX
Consumer Consent Consent provided
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Company Response To Customer Closed with monetary relief
Submitted Web 01/15/2016
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: Yes

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