Bank of America Complaint: Cash advance

#1729407 6 Jan 2016

Credit card

Complaint #1729407 submitted on 01/06/2016 relating to Bank of America. Complaint relates to Credit card - Cash advance .

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Wednesday 6th January 2016.

Narrative (may be redacted).

I have a cash advance balance on my credit card with an extremely high interest rate. I pay more then the minimum every month and per my statement anything over the minimum is to be applied to the highest APR. Last month I paid the minimum and then made a lump sum payment equal to the amount of the cash advance to get rid of it. Bank of America applied only {$500.00} to the cash advance and the remainder to the lowest APR balance. I went back over the last years statements and they have done this every single month causing my cash advance balance to skyrocket with interest while never allocating any of my payments to that higher APR.

Company Bank of America
Complaint ID 1729407
Date Received 01/06/2016
Product Credit card
Issue Cash advance
State/ZIP Code SC 297XX
Consumer Consent Consent provided
Company Public Response Company chooses not to provide a public response
Company Response To Customer Closed with explanation
Submitted Web 01/06/2016
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: No

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