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Scottrade Bank Complaint: Bank account or service #1718345

Scottrade Bank Complaint: Account opening, closing, or management

#1718345 28 Dec 2015

Bank account or service Savings account

Complaint #1718345 submitted on 12/28/2015 relating to Scottrade Bank. Complaint relates to Bank account or service Savings account - Account opening, closing, or management .

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Monday 28th December 2015.

Narrative (may be redacted).

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in hopes to resolve a particular dispute with Scottrade Bank and their affiliates collectively referred to as Scottrade.

Scottrade maintains that I should file arbitration against them for the purposes of resolving a customer dispute, however, neither Scottrade Bank nor Scottrade Brokerage have confirmed the existence of a valid arbitration agreement and has refused to answer any of my inquiries for details.

I am writing this letter to address a very specific issue. Specifically, I would like a copy of the full " consumer contracts '' that were formerly signed in order to open a Scottrade Bank and Scottrade Brokerage account.

Please be advised that I previously requested this information from Scottrade Bank and Scottrade Brokerage but was not supplied with an original account agreement. I signed up for the accounts in XX/XX/XXXX, however, Scottrade Bank and Scottrade Brokerage provided me with an unsigned copy of a " consumer contract '' that had numerous revisions from the XX/XX/XXXX version of the contract.

The contracts Scottrade Bank and Scottrade Brokerage use have " tracking numbers '' in the bottom left margin of the page that indicate the year and date. Therefore, I am kindly requesting Scottrade Bank and Scottrade Brokerage provide me with the corresponding and original XX/XX/XXXX version of the sign contract and not a XX/XX/XXXX version that is materially different.

Company Scottrade Bank
Complaint ID 1718345
Date Received 12/28/2015
Product Bank account or service Savings account
Issue Account opening, closing, or management
State/ZIP Code CA 959XX
Consumer Consent Consent provided
Company Public Response
Company Response To Customer Closed
Submitted Web 12/28/2015
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: Yes

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