Experian Complaint: Improper use of my credit report

#1796576 20 Feb 2016

Credit reporting

Complaint #1796576 submitted on 02/20/2016 relating to Experian. Complaint relates to Credit reporting - Improper use of my credit report Report improperly shared by CRC.

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Saturday 20th February 2016.

Narrative (may be redacted).

The Credit Reporting company, XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) credit card services, intentionally reported my payment status to credit bureaus as 'Unknown ' rather than PAID ; Simultaneously, said bank intentionally removed the value of the subject credit card 's 'revolving credit limit ' thereby 'Negatively decreasing my Credit Score '. These simultaneous negative Credit Card reporting actions by XXXX created an 'illusion whereby any revolving credit usage on behalf of the consumer would provide false percentage of total usage '. The above-mentioned 'diabolical scheme ' surfaced when the consumer PAID IN FULL the balance of XXXX Credit Card nearest the statement cycle closing date and the consumer did not opt to use XXXX 's offer of free FICO Score services. XXXX reported the consumer 's credit card as OPEN with zero balance while 'knowingly removing the revolving credit limit field and while changing the Staus-Field of the credit reporting to 'Unknown ' ; This field had always been reflected as PAID by XXXX as the consumer was NEVER LATE.

Company Experian
Complaint ID 1796576
Date Received 02/20/2016
Product Credit reporting
Issue Improper use of my credit report Report improperly shared by CRC
State/ZIP Code GA 300XX
Consumer Consent Consent provided
Company Public Response Company chooses not to provide a public response
Company Response To Customer Closed with explanation
Submitted Web 02/20/2016
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: No

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