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Fay Servicing, LLC Complaint: Mortgage #1695373

Fay Servicing, LLC Complaint: Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

#1695373 14 Dec 2015

Mortgage Conventional fixed mortgage

Complaint #1695373 submitted on 12/14/2015 relating to Fay Servicing, LLC. Complaint relates to Mortgage Conventional fixed mortgage - Loan modification,collection,foreclosure .

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Monday 14th December 2015.

Narrative (may be redacted).

we have been trying to resolve our mortgage problem with a deed in lieu of filing. To this point we have signed all the paperwork and vacated the property. We were participating in the " cash for keys '' program. All the paperwork we have signed and submitted states the property must be in broom swept condition. Also we were told that as long as the property was vacated in broom swept livable condition we would receive some compensation. Now that the house is signed over and out of our control we were told that because we left items in the house we will not receive any compensation. All the items left were usable by the next owner. we were never told that the house had to be empty to the walls ... I have called my account manager numerous times and never get a call back I always have to contact them. My last contact was 11 days ago and I have still heard nothing.

Company Fay Servicing, LLC
Complaint ID 1695373
Date Received 12/14/2015
Product Mortgage Conventional fixed mortgage
Issue Loan modification,collection,foreclosure
State/ZIP Code WI 535XX
Consumer Consent Consent provided
Company Public Response
Company Response To Customer Closed with explanation
Submitted Web 12/14/2015
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: No

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