Access Group Complaint: Problems when you are unable to pay

#505933 27 Aug 2013

Student loan Non-federal student loan

Complaint #505933 submitted on 08/27/2013 relating to Access Group. Complaint relates to Student loan Non-federal student loan - Problems when you are unable to pay Problems when you are unable to pay.

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Wednesday 28th August 2013.

Company Access Group
Complaint ID 505933
Date Received 08/27/2013
Product Student loan Non-federal student loan
Issue Problems when you are unable to pay Problems when you are unable to pay
State/ZIP Code PA 16506
Consumer Consent N/A
Company Public Response
Company Response To Customer Closed with explanation
Submitted Web 08/28/2013
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: Yes

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