Access Group Complaint: Can't repay my loan

#1624102 26 Oct 2015

Student loan Non-federal student loan

Complaint #1624102 submitted on 10/26/2015 relating to Access Group. Complaint relates to Student loan Non-federal student loan - Can't repay my loan Can't get flexible payment options.

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Monday 26th October 2015.

Narrative (may be redacted).

I have been paying my private school loans since XX/XX/XXXX. Never late, no problems. In XX/XX/XXXX, I lost my job and entered into a graduated extended repayment schedule with Access Group. At no time did they tell me it was only for 2 years with that repayment structure. During this time, Access Group sent my loans to be serviced with XXXX. XXXX has been a disaster from the start. They took away my repayment structure telling me the time had expired. Since that time, I have been having trouble making my monthly payments because I can not afford them. I get calls on my cell telling me I 'm late and threatening to report me to the credit burue said the time. I also receive emails from access group telling me to contact them to talk about my options on repayment. I call each time I get that email and then they tell me, there are no options. I do not understand how this company rather get paid zero than try and work something out so they can get paid something. People at this point have nothing to lose by not paying their loans. We have no property and our credit scores are shot either way! I feel that access group/XXXX do not care about the millions of people that want to pay, but they refuse to work something out. I am sure that in my lifetime, the bankruptcy laws will change to have this debt dissolved, and I will probably be amongst the first to do so if access group/XXXX does not step up and work payment plans with people.

Company Access Group
Complaint ID 1624102
Date Received 10/26/2015
Product Student loan Non-federal student loan
Issue Can't repay my loan Can't get flexible payment options
State/ZIP Code FL 330XX
Consumer Consent Consent provided
Company Public Response Company chooses not to provide a public response
Company Response To Customer Closed with explanation
Submitted Web 10/26/2015
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: No

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