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Auto Trakk, LLC Complaint: Consumer Loan #1619743

Auto Trakk, LLC Complaint: Taking out the loan or lease

#1619743 22 Oct 2015

Consumer Loan Vehicle lease

Complaint #1619743 submitted on 10/22/2015 relating to Auto Trakk, LLC. Complaint relates to Consumer Loan Vehicle lease - Taking out the loan or lease .

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Thursday 22nd October 2015.

Narrative (may be redacted).

I rent a car from a company called XXXX. I got into a car accident. I never received an estimate for damages of car for 2 months from XXXX, towing company, and Autotrakk ( loan company for XXXX ). XXXX held my car for 3 weeks saying they would help me and transfer car to a financial plan towing place and it sat in a garage for 3 weeks, no response and get a last minute violation of contract. I was even told by them that they would fix the car for me and I would n't have to worry about anything. I then went to XXXX and asked for an adjuster for estimate of damages. 5 weeks no response. I waited 2 months and car is gone and I never got a financial plan or estimate for car to get a financial payment plan. I also went to XXXX & XXXX a few times and no estimate. I am victim of loan predation. I could n't even get financial plan to fix car and They have no idea where it is. I also have a contract unsigned by Auto Trakk for the loan. I also did my violate any contract and XXXX took advantage of me and held car for 3 weeks and sent a last minute contract violation. XXXX guarantees 2 week return on car. They are a company that leases card that you pay weekly and with a 2 week notice you return car. I feel taken advantage of. Also, they help you find jobs, it kind of is a hiring company.

Company Auto Trakk, LLC
Complaint ID 1619743
Date Received 10/22/2015
Product Consumer Loan Vehicle lease
Issue Taking out the loan or lease
State/ZIP Code CA 941XX
Consumer Consent Consent provided
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Company Response To Customer Closed with explanation
Submitted Web 10/22/2015
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: No

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