Receivables Performance Management LLC Complaint: Communication tactics

#1786774 12 Feb 2016

Debt collection Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)

Complaint #1786774 submitted on 02/12/2016 relating to Receivables Performance Management LLC. Complaint relates to Debt collection Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.) - Communication tactics Used obscene/profane/abusive language.

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Friday 12th February 2016.

Narrative (may be redacted).

I had a collection with RPM ( Receivables Performance Management ) agency. on XXXX XXXX XXXX I paid off me monthly payment and got the conformation email from them, but still in XXXX it is in my credit report, I tried to call them and find out about the issue, but all the time when they ask my firs and last name the hang up the phone. I called the XXXX the company that sent my bill to the collection agency, they said I am good in their system and I have to talk to the collection agency. I am not able to talk to them and solve my problem and my credit is awful. I can not even rent an apartment because of that. would you please advice.
best regards, XXXX XXXX

Company Receivables Performance Management LLC
Complaint ID 1786774
Date Received 02/12/2016
Product Debt collection Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)
Issue Communication tactics Used obscene/profane/abusive language
State/ZIP Code CA 951XX
Consumer Consent Consent provided
Company Public Response Company chooses not to provide a public response
Company Response To Customer Closed with explanation
Submitted Web 02/12/2016
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: No

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