Education Management Corporation Complaint: Dealing with my lender or servicer

#1550109 3 Sep 2015

Student loan Non-federal student loan

Complaint #1550109 submitted on 09/03/2015 relating to Education Management Corporation. Complaint relates to Student loan Non-federal student loan - Dealing with my lender or servicer Don't agree with fees charged.

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Thursday 3rd September 2015.

Narrative (may be redacted).

I wasted my time and money attending the Art Institute. I am now unemployed and financially ruined. When I first attended I was enrolled in an XXXX month program which I later found out from an instructor that it would not help me qualify for a job in the field that AI advertised the program as so I withdrew. Years later I decided to try school again but this time I enrolled in the online XXXX program at the Art Institute only to find out that the students that had already graduated have no chance at employment with a degree from the Art Institute and that the school was in trouble for the scam they were running. I have since tried to withdraw from the school but their academic counselor treated me horribly for doing so. She also never withdrew me from classes during the first week of the quarter when she was supposed to so now I have to pay for another quarter because she simply wo n't let me withdraw. I 'm currently getting the run around via phone and do n't know what else to do besides continue to try to withdraw and write reviews to warn others about the underhanded tactics of this scam called an Art Institute. I have been ripped off by the Art Institute. They are stealing my student loan money and lying about how much I take out. The tuition and loan amounts dont add up. Something fraudulent is happening here. I have also tried to withdraw and was told that they withdrew me from school but I am still receiving emails from my instructors telling me that its not too late to turn in late assignments so I logged in and saw that I was lied to about being withdrawn so my GPA has tanked and I 'm being charged for classes even after withdrawing. I have talked to other current and former students of the school who are experiencing the exact same thing. This is a scam and needs to be stopped before it ruins more students financial lives. more information can be found at these links. This is another student who experienced the same EXACT thing I am currently going through. They are also switching my financial record around so much that I cant keep track of what I owe for what. XXXX Here are more testimonials from other students who have also been cheated out of education, time and money XXXX and finally, here 's a XXXX group of students who are fighting back that I am currently a part of XXXX Please help us!!!

Company Education Management Corporation
Complaint ID 1550109
Date Received 09/03/2015
Product Student loan Non-federal student loan
Issue Dealing with my lender or servicer Don't agree with fees charged
State/ZIP Code WA 983XX
Consumer Consent Consent provided
Company Public Response Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint
Company Response To Customer Closed with explanation
Submitted Web 09/03/2015
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: No

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