Jason A. Craig & Associates Complaint: Communication tactics

#1510469 10 Aug 2015

Debt collection Medical

Complaint #1510469 submitted on 08/10/2015 relating to Jason A. Craig & Associates. Complaint relates to Debt collection Medical - Communication tactics Used obscene/profane/abusive language.

Complaint was submitted via Web and sent to the company on Monday 10th August 2015.

Narrative (may be redacted).

The whole issue started from me never receiving a bill from the hospital that apparently the hospital then sent for collection. The debt collector agency keeps calling me repeatedly, when i ask them to provide a copy of the bill they refuse doing so saying that they do not have that information. The lady on the phone keeps hanging up on me when i ask her to provide information about the charges I have to pay for and she keeps raising her voice on me and starts yelling that she will send it to my credit report, she is doing all of that while yelling at me and constantly interrupting me. They also called me the first time saying that I owe one amount ( something between {$900.00} and {$1000.00} ), but sent me a notice with a different amount ( {$720.00} ), that is why I requested the copy of the bill that would explain what charges are being put on me, but she just keeps yelling and hangs up on me. The notice ( " Account Status '' ) was sent to me after I requested a copy of the bill or explanation of charges over the phone, but they sent me just simple account status with amount charged being different from what they told me over the phone. I do not know how to talk to her as she is being very aggressive while i am trying to resolve the issue. I tried talking to the agency several times but the lady ( always the same person ) just keeps harassing me.

Company Jason A. Craig & Associates
Complaint ID 1510469
Date Received 08/10/2015
Product Debt collection Medical
Issue Communication tactics Used obscene/profane/abusive language
State/ZIP Code GA 303XX
Consumer Consent Consent provided
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Company Response To Customer Closed with explanation
Submitted Web 08/10/2015
Result Timely Response: Yes, Consumer Disputed: No

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